Hair and humidity affect - How to level, protect, and simulate

In today's competitive climate, we are constantly bombarded with information about what to do and what not to keep our hair healthy. Some of the information out there is true and some false.

How does humidity affect hair?

The first thing that you must know is that humidity is not as important as what type of humidity it is. Your hair does fine in a dry environment with a humidity level of 50%. For your hair to be healthy, it needs to be exposed to over 70% moisture.

How to manage hair in humid weather:

If you have hair that is continually being soaked and drenched by high humidity, you need to take steps to remedy it.

One of these steps is to change your air conditioning unit to a dehumidifier. It is a reasonably inexpensive appliance that will do the trick.

The next step that you should take is to clean out the humidifiers on both sides of your home with a hose.

Once you've taken care of your air conditioning units and their humidifiers, you should consider getting a hairdryer.

When your hair is wet, it's going to dry quicker and will stay that way. If you have a hairdryer in your home, you should regularly give it a good rinse and give your hair a thorough blow dry.

Another way to keep your hair healthy is to shampoo every other week.

Shampooing your hair will remove dead skin cells from the hair shaft. The extra dead skin will help to promote healthy hair growth.

How to protect hair from humidity:

Suppose you live in an area where the humidity is too high. In that case, you may want to consider getting a humidifier to help keep the humidity level in your home at acceptable levels.

It is best to purchase humidifiers separately for each room of the house, or you can buy a separate one for the entire home.

This type of unit is typically more expensive but is well worth the investment if you save on energy bills.

How to reduce the humidity levels in the home:

If you don't get a humidifier or dehumidifier, you can still reduce humidity levels in your home by installing an exhaust fan in each room of the house.

These units will draw air out of the room and circulate it throughout the house. It will help to keep the air in the room cool or even a little hot.

In summary, keeping your hair healthy depends on what kind of humidity is present in the air that your hair is in and where the humidity is being held in your home.

If the humidity is too high, you can find yourself struggling to keep your hair healthy.

How to simulate humidity for hair:

If your hair is damp from being wet in the shower or having your hair dried in the dryer, it can be challenging to keep it moisturized.

It's best to limit the amount of time you use your hairdryer or try using hair gel. Products such as these can also help to add extra moisture to the hair.

Hair should be washed and dried regularly to avoid any tangling or fraying. If the hair is in bad condition, it can break easily.

Using a shampoo that contains vitamins and minerals can help to restore the natural look of your hair.

The Bottom Line:

You should always clean your hair to avoid the buildup of dirt and oil on the scalp. Use conditioners regularly. It's best to leave the conditioner on for a few minutes, but not too long. Doing this once a month will make a big difference.

Don't forget to dry your hair completely before styling it. Keeping your hair well-waxed will help to protect it from tangling.


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