How to Prevent Hair Fall - Tips, Diet, and Causes

You can prevent hair fall but what to do depends on why are you losing your hair. Shedding some hair (50 to 100 strands) daily is natural.

Some natural conditions tend to resolve their own like losing hair after pregnancy. But if the hair fall is more and persistent then you should make an appointment with the doctor. Going to the doctor may tell you the reason for your hair fall if it's because of aging, thyroid issues, stress, scalp infections, or androgenic alopecia.

Here are tips to prevent hair fall:

Eat raw and green:

Having a Mediterranean diet like eating raw vegetables and fresh herbs can reduce the risk of Androgenetic Alopecia (pattern baldness in males and females).

If the Mediterranean diet (e.g. parsley, basil, salad greens) is consumed in a high amount at least more than 3 days a week.

Vitamins, supplements, and exercise:

You necessitate nourishing your hair with all the proper nutrients especially plenty of protein and iron. Healthy choices are eggs, nuts, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken, and turkey. However, along with eating a balanced diet ensure you are also exercising. Yoga and meditation are useful in decreasing hair fall.

The great supplements to take are multivitamins including  A, B, C, D, iron, selenium, and zinc. Vitamin A is also good to take through food like sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, and spinach, etc. Vitamin D and Biotin (vitamin H or B7) are also playing a vital role in satisfying deficiency and regrowing hair back.

You can buy these supplements through your supermarket or local store. It is good o ask your doctor to prescribe one.

Best diet to prevent hair fall:

  1. Spinach - contains vitamin A, C, iron, and protein
  2. Carrots - contains Vitamin A 
  3. Eggs - 8 percent keratin protein
  4. Oats - contains fiber, zinc, iron, omega-6 fatty
  5. Lentils - contains protein, iron, zinc, and biotin
  6. Sweet potato - contains sebum
  7. Strawberries and guavas - contains silica
  8. Yogurt - contains vitamin B5 and Vitamin D
  9. Turkey - rich in protein
  10. Walnuts - contains biotin, B vitamins (B1, B6, and B9), Vitamin E, protein, and magnesium

Hair Care to Prevent Hair Fall:

Regular Washing:

Do not use very cold or very hot water. Pick a mild shampoo and wash your hair regularly (dry hair two times a week and oily hair can be washed daily) to avoid buildup on the scalp. Choosing the right conditioner (not high in a chemical formula) can revive your hair.

Regular Trimming:

Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks. It can maintain your hair health and avoid split ends.

Combing wet hair:

When strands are wet they more fragile and prone to breakage than ever. So it's better to let the hair air dry. Then use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair gently.

Tight hairstyling:

Tight hairstyling can be another reason for excessive shedding. Do not make hairstyles that pull hair from the hairline or others like tight ponytails or protective hairstyles. Also, do not practice a tight hairstyle while sleeping. Using hot hairstyling tools can lead to severe damage to hair.

Why hair fall happen:


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